Make my Essay better
” Helping make the blank page less intimidating “
what we do
It’s no secret that the college application process is daunting. To make it worse, how to write a stellar personal narrative is rarely taught in school. But the application essays give your student a chance to stand out and to speak directly to the application reviewers.
It is an opportunity—not a burden.

And still, most students wait until their deadlines are looming, throw something together, and submit a subpar story. We help your student pick their best stories to share with the application panelists. Then we help them revise it until it shines.
If you want to hear what students say about working with us, check out their testimonials.
And, if you have any questions, please reach out here.

Why hire Ellen?
Ellen has been helping students with their college application essays for nearly 15 years and has recently expanded her services to include helping medical school applicants. Her specialty is making sure students pick the best story for their essays and ensuring the essay stays true to the student’s voice and intention. She is a writer herself so she fully understands the how intimidating the blank page can be and the critical need to revise, revise, revise. Her background includes teaching writing and literature at George Mason University, receiving multiple awards and fellowships for her own writing, publishing her work nationally and internationally, and coordinating writing retreats and workshops.